ADS Aircraft Design Software

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ADS-Pro V462

ADS-Pro V461

ADS-Data (ADS Database)


ADS-PRO V462 – new features


  • RE: glide polar analysis (motorglider)


  • Cost Analysis/RDTE & Manufacturing (DAPCA IV)


  • New Module: Digitizer (GREAT)
  • New Module: Glide Polar Analyzer (GREAT)

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ADS-PRO V462 – bug fixes

  • General: conversion from/to FPSR (Wing Loading).
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V461 – new features


  • RE: display drag polar (Vds, TO, Ld)
  • RE/PA: Push-Pull configuration, possibility to specify which engine is stopped when OEI


  • DAPCA IV Cost Model: updated with historical values
  • Roskam Cost Model: updated with historical values


  • New Tool: Aerodynamics/Drag/Zero-Lift
  • New Tool: Aerodynamics/Distributed Propulsion
  • New Tool: Cost Analysis/Breakeven Point
  • New Tool: Mass
  • New Tool: Standard Atmosphere

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ADS-PRO V461 – bug fixes

  • Generate shape of symmetrical bodies.
  • RE/Cruise: maximum continuous power displayed for unit power and not for total power.
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V460 – new features


  • Ask confirmation before closing ADS
  • Load technical notes from top menu
  • New technical notes: list of technical notes, list of fudge factors...

Lifting Surfaces

  • Lift Distribution: influence of the nacelle (based on nacelle maximum width)


  • Check position: an occupant can't be positioned in the plane of roatation of a propeller


  • D1/FP Propeller: reduce available power during takeoff and climb to take into account that the engine is not able to reach its rated power, due to the propeller pitch optimized for cruise (high speed)
  • D1/Results: update list of engine candidates
  • RE/D2/PA TO: accelerated climb improves takeoff distance prediction


  • Engine nacelle drag: drag reduction for low value of body-diameter/body-length

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ADS-PRO V460 – bug fixes

  • Overestimation of the induced drag of the horizontal tail due to not taking into account the lift generated by the deflection of the elevator (included in trim drag). So the whole lift is generated by the HT, and its induced drag is higher.
  • Regulation/Check Requirements: not performed for maximum takeoff weight.
  • D1/Empty Mass: don't take into account the mass of fuel system.
  • Fuselage/Baggage Compartment: impossible to add if cabin or flight deck already exist.
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V459 – new features


  • Display ADS Version used to create the dataset when loading the dataset

Lifting Surfaces

  • Hide/display fairings between trapezoïdal sections


  • LCL Editor: possibility to move points of a circular shape
  • LCL, CtS Editor: possibility to rotate the background image (GREAT).


  • Add baggage compartment
  • Dorsal/Ventral Fins: possibility to rotate around OY


  • Possibility to add more than one engine at a time (GREAT).
  • Possibility to remove the first engine in the list


  • Display the propeller shaft on 3D-Model
  • Improve the 3D-Model of the propeller spinner

Landing Gear

  • Drag estimation: improve the method to take into account the geometry of the strut (length and cross section)
  • RE: posiibility to set the position of both sides of the strut

System (Fuel)

  • Check fuel tank position, must be in accordance with its CG position

System (Electric)

  • Display battery pack on the 3D-Model (GREAT).
  • Check battery pack position, must be in accordance with its CG position


  • RE/Cruise/Takeoff/Landing/Climb: the first performance may be removed from the dataset
  • Climb (Jets): update FF on FF_Rp.C1
  • Landing (Jets): update idle thrust and rolling friction coefficient


  • Increase the maximum deflection of the high-lift devices to 60°
  • Update lift distribution to take into account the vertical position of the nacelle/tailboom
  • Update the value of maximum lift increment to take into account the width of the nacelle/tailboom at the position of the high-lift device
  • Compute drag due to upsweep angle of the rear part of the fuselage
  • Possibility to use fudge factor on a0 to tune the lift distribution at the position of the bodies on the wing
  • Possibility to use fudge factor on the wing-body lift slope to take into account the presence of any body on the wing
  • RE: possibility to display the lift distribution to make a visual check of the effect of using fudge factors


  • Light Transport: compute the mass of the anti-ice system
  • Modify the computed mass of the wing to take into account the presence of engines and landing gear
  • Modify the computed mass of the fuselage to take into account the presence landing gear

Centre of gravity

  • Add results and comments


  • Improve results display (Quality tab) and add list of airplanes
  • Possibility to update the list of BestOf planes

Airfoil Database

  • Update geometry: add new points by interpolation if the distance between 2 successive points is higher than 5% of the chord

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ADS-PRO V459 – bug fixes

  • RE/Climb: drag computed from Rate of Climb performance
  • Impossible to duplicate a twin-VT airplane if the twin-VT has been defined during the session (VT fuselage-mounted to VT boom-mounted)
  • Update wheel position for twin-wheel configuration
  • Innapropriate error message about the number of files in ADS-Data Folder
  • Airfoil database: software crashes when saving graphs
  • Airfoil database/lift curve, compute i0: wrong value if the dataset is only with positive angles of incidence
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V458 – new features


  • D2: force the propeller diameter to reach the limits (Mx Diameter or Mx Mach Number).
  • RE: find the best couple Blade Activity Factor/Integrated Design Lift Coefficient.


  • RE/Cruise: add summary to the results (GREAT).
  • RE/Climb: add summary to the results (GREAT).
  • RE/Takeoff: add summary to the results (GREAT).
  • RE/Landing: add summary to the results (GREAT).
  • RE/Stall: add summary to the results (GREAT).
  • D2/Ld: compute rolling friction coefficient brakes ON to land within the given distance. List the runway surfaces that are practicable and not practicable to produce the desired rolling friction coefficient.
  • Compute Idle Thrust
  • D2, PA/Cruise: specify mixture setting (best economy or best power) to compute the total amount of fuel for the mission.
  • Save working files in _Tmp Folder in order to provide additional information for a deep analysis of the results
  • "Other Drag" divided into Interference and Miscellaneous drag.

Airplane Database

  • Add 52 Airplanes in airplane database, generated for RE (GREAT)

Fuel Database

  • Add fuels in fuel database

Battery Database

  • Add batteries in battery database

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ADS-PRO V458 – bug fixes

  • Duplicate Airplane: airfoils are not duplicated
  • Software crashes when loading the toolbox
  • PA/Twin Engines: the rate of climb at given speed is not displayed in the results
  • D2: unable to compute if flight altitude is lower than airport altitude
  • RE: software crashes when one rate of climb is removed from the TreeView
  • RE: tail volume not computed (or updated)
  • PA/TF, TJ Engines: available thrust not accurate when the dataset is computed after a run done in RE
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V457 – new features


  • Lifting Surface: copy the airfoil of the first section to all sections of the lifting surface.
  • Horizontal Tail, check on control surface: must have Elevator or must be All-Moving, and force to All-Moving if not specified.
  • Propeller, with more than 4 blades: efficiency computed from the polynomial equation.


  • RE/PA: in cruise, the power setting may be higher than 100%.
  • RE: possibility to sort performance in increase order with altitude.
  • All: Check maximum Reynolds Number. Display message if out of the limits of the airfoil dataset.
  • Stall: contribution of ailerons to increase the maximum lift coefficient
  • Speed-Polar: add drag breakdown in the output window (D0, DL)

Airfoil Database

  • Possibility to add new Mach Number and Reynolds Number to an existing dataset (GREAT)

Engine Database

  • Turboprop: add flat rating
  • IC/Turbo: add engine power at critical altitude

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ADS-PRO V457 – bug fixes

  • RE/Turboprop: power required must include the thrust due to the jet times the flight speed
  • Display some results in imperial units
  • Not possible to add a tank in engine nacelle when creating a new airplane
  • RE/PA: drag overestimation for high lift devices and control surfaces if made with several sections
  • Ducted propeller: impossible to change engine type
  • Default airplane dataset: impossible to modify the CSP of the fuselage control stations
  • RE, Jets: equivalent friction coefficient must include the wave drag
  • Body shape: unable to compute the volume of a body if its length is not updated before
  • RE: initialize high lift device efficiency before making the run
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V456 – new features

3D Geometry

  • Body/CSP Editor: align CPi with CP0 when modified.
  • Body/Control Station: if the control station is circular, don't display the conic properties.
  • Body/LCL: possibility to impose tangent continuity at the control point.
  • Body/Line Editor (CtS, LCL): display tips when loading.


  • The propeller efficiency is not computed if not possible to use the propeller charts (because the engine delivers too much power, the airplane flies too fast...)

Propeller Shaft

  • Display warning message if the propeller shaft is too long

Weight & Loading

  • Check input data: minimum payload, fuel... according to the selected regulation

Airfoil candidates

  • Zero lift drag computed at the design lift coefficient.
  • Add sorting option on Cm0

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ADS-PRO V456 – bug fixes

  • Airfoil Candidates: enable to compute if one airfoil dataset in the list is not complete
  • Engine Nacelle: not possible to add a fuel tank in the engine nacelle
  • Design Level 2: underestimation of the glider weight
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V455 – new features


  • Delete aircraft dataset from ADS-Data via the tree view.
  • Check Regional Settings (decimal separator and thousand separator). Dot and Space recommended.


  • Standard geometry (Tip Based): the tip chord of the standard geometry can be increased in order to create a standard geometry closer to the true geometry when wing tips are highly tapered.


  • RE: Initialize the geometry of the propeller (beta, AF, Cli) for the main flight condition. The main flight condition will impose the geometry of the propeller for the other flight conditions
  • RE: Compute minimum pitch angle and maximum pitch angle, based on Cruise and Best Rate of Climb Performance
  • RE: Fixed Pitch Propeller, compute propeller efficiency for a given power setting and given rpm
  • Display propeller geometric pitch
  • Display propeller data when One/Multiple Engine Inoperative


  • Energy Available: take into account the depth of cycle (charge and discharge)
  • Display static margin from airplane datum
  • Best Range/Best Endurance: compute performance even if different than the optimal flight conditions
  • Best Range/Best Endurance:check flight speed, must be higher than a given percentage of the stall speed.
  • Best Range/Best Endurance:optimize the algorithms to reduce the computation time and increase the chance of converging to a solution. The sizing is done for the Best Range/Best Endurance ONLY. The cruise speed is computed from the optimized geometry.


  • Add the possibility to use a fudge factor on propeller efficiency.


  • The Oswald Efficiency Factor can be computed from 3 different methods: 1) Classical lifting line theory, 2) Datcom and 3) McCormick


  • Analysis the quality of the mesh and recommendations to achieve meshes of a given size

Airfoil Database

  • Compute Cl at the beginning and at the end of the linear portion of the lift curve

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ADS-PRO V455 – bug fixes

  • Reverse Engineering/Performance Analysis: the propeller torque is not correctly computed if the pitch angle of a fixed pitch propeller is lower than its optimal value.
  • Reload Engine/Proprotor not performed
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V454 – new features


  • New category: VTOL Hybrid (Reverse Engineering and Performance Analysis) (GREAT)
  • Auto check if the ADS-Data folder contains all the files required


  • Compute base drag
  • Influence on the propeller installation efficiency

Electric System

  • Battery: add depth of cycle (charge and discharge) (GREAT)


  • Add graph: drag polar

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ADS-PRO V454 – bug fixes

  • Reverse Engineering, Cruise: don't display performance at different power setting (55% to 95%) because not computed
  • Not possible to remove one control station of a body
  • Design, Level 1: not possible to set a target value for the maximum rate of climb
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V453 – new features

Engine Nacelles

  • Add fuel tank in engine nacelle
  • Add protuberance on engine nacelle


  • Avionics: add contectual menu to compute the mass of uninstalled avionics
  • Fuel System: add fuel tank in engine nacelle


  • Reverse Engineering: maximum rate of climb with one engine inoperative (OEI)

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ADS-PRO V453 – bug fixes

  • Reverse Engineering, Takeoff: only possible to specify the takeoff run and takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle for the first takeoff performance
  • Stretch Engine Nacelle: wrong update of the treeview of the symmetric nacelle (if any)
  • Fuselage Protuberance: overestimation of the wetted area (underestimation of the common area)
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V452 – new features


  • New Classification: Very Light Jet (GREAT)
  • New Engine Type: Turbojet, Turbofan
  • Improve the generation of default dataset (Light Aircraft single engine, Light Aircraft twin-engine, Light Canard single engine, Unmanned Aircraft, Ultralight Aircraft, Very Light Jet) (GREAT)
  • New Airplane: propose default values for Length, Height and Width to get good proportions (GREAT)
  • Put the occupants at their default location in the fuselage (still need to adjust their position)


  • Improve generation of engine envelope from the airplane dataset (GREAT)


  • Compute default value for uninstalled avionics

Session Manager

  • Possibility to delete old sessions and clean the list of sessions
  • New session: possibility to select another ADS-Data folder and save the information

Memo Window

  • Possibility to add memo information for engine data

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ADS-PRO V451 – new features


  • Update list content in function of aircraft classification (Light Airplane, Unmanned...)
  • Add new results (aerodynamics, stability, statistics...)
  • Load Technical Notes from the main branch of the treeview to provide general information about ADS (list of modules, Quick tour around ADS...) (GREAT)

Airworthiness Requirements

  • Check automatically the results if they comply with the selected regulation (GREAT)
  • Add Technical Notes (TN14-001 - Airworthiness Regulation, TN14-002 - List of requirements) (GREAT)


  • Design Level 1: add installation factor, function of engine type


  • PA (cruise): add test on Propeller Efficiency to define the convergence factor during the iterative process

Export stl file

  • Save a copy of all stl files in one folder (Export)

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ADS-PRO V451 – bug fixes

  • Impossible to save Config File
  • CG limits (% MAC) modified with modification of airplane datum (PA, RE)
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V450 – new features


  • Before making a computation, the different fudge factors used for the computation are displyed
  • When the computation is done, a message box informs the user that some warning messages have been generated


  • Definition of the airplane datum
  • During the definition of the lifting surface geometry, the sweep angle at leading edge is computed and displayed in the property display


  • Climb performance: display tables and graphs
  • Descent performance: display tables and graphs
  • Performance analysis (takeoff): add option to specify the rotation speed
  • Performance analysis (landing): add option to specify the touchdown speed
  • Performance analysis: empty weight given or computed from the weight fudge factor
  • Reverse Engineering: add option to select the flight phase to analyze

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ADS-PRO V450 – bug fixes

  • Underestimation of the induced drag for some flight conditions (the lift coefficient was not updated)
  • Impossible to save a file if ADS-Data folder is located in Program Files directory. A warning message informs the user that he should move the ADS-Data folder elsewhere. The dataset is still saved in C:\ADS-Data_tmp by default, so as not to lose the work done before
  • It is no longer mandatory to install ADS as administrator. The configuration files are saved in the user's folder
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V449 – new features


  • Display information if the amount of twist is not appropriate


  • Propeller efficiency: if computed from charts (80-180), smooth experimental curves by polynomial regression to obtain smoother results (propeller efficiency, propeller pitch angle)
  • Propeller efficiency: add the option to compute the performance by polynomial interpolation or polynomial regression (Design Level 2)
  • Propeller efficiency: check if the computed efficiency is higher than the theoritical value, which is function of the geometry of the propeller


  • Performance analysis: possibility not to define the geometry of the propeller and allow the software to determine the activity factor and the integrated design lift coefficient to reach the best efficiency
  • Multiple Run: check if at least one input has been selected. If not, automatic switch to Single Run

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ADS-PRO V449 – bug fixes

  • Standard Lifting Surface: the twist is not taken into account
  • Design Level 2: the lift distribution computed with the classical lifting line theory is computed without taking into account the twist
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V448 – new features


  • Display information message before stretching a body to inform the user that only the body will be stretched and the other elements won't be modified
  • Check the units before creating a new airplane

Drag analysis

  • Fuselage zero lift drag coefficient: update code for bodies with low body fineness ratio (L/D < 4.5)
  • Induced drag computed from the angle of attack of the lifting surface (better differentiation between induced drag and trim drag)


  • Activity Factor and integrated design lift coefficient: more appropriate default values, 80 and 0.55 respectively
  • Activity Factor and integrated design lift coefficient: for unknown geometry, automatic determination to reach the maximum efficiency (GREAT)
  • Dsgn 1 & 2: activity factor and integerated design lift coefficient are determined to reach the maximum efficiency


  • Performance displayed under the form of charts (GREAT)
  • Takeoff performance: Propeller thrust computed by polynomial regression (if propeller efficiency computed from charts 80-180) (GREAT)

3D Geometry

  • Improve the speed to display some elements (propeller, struts...) on the 3D-Model
  • CtS Editor: update display in real time
  • Check wing fairing radius and compute the minimum value to ensure good surface continuity

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ADS-PRO V448 – bug fixes

  • Create a new airplane in FPSR Units: the dimensions are considered in SI Units
  • Reverse Engineering/Performance Analysis: create a new airplane, the default position of the center of gravity of the landing gear is not taken into account
  • Computed area of control surfaces and high lift devices for RE/PA: not correct if they are spanned on several trapezoïdal sections
  • Switching from/to landplane to/from seaplane: fuselage geometry not initialized
  • Compute performance at lower power settings for PA/Dsgn 2: possible laminarity not taken into account
  • Fuselage dorsal/ventral fins: geometry of the fins modified after computation if the fuselage was tested before without fins
  • Takeoff performance: propeller thrust overestimated at static conditions (if propeller efficiency computed from charts (80-180))
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V447 – new features


  • Landing gear position: make easier the definition of the geometry (Performance Analysis/Reverse Engineering)
  • Ventral Fin: new definition (new default airfoil section, conical shape)
  • New set of components: Dorsal Fin

3D Geometry

  • CtS Editor: visualize the effect of modifying an airfoil profile
  • LCL Editor: visualize pylons

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ADS-PRO V447 – bug fixes

  • Reverse Engineering: test code prevents the execution of reverse engineering until the end
  • Reverse Engineering/Performance Analysis: move the engine position (in Z) during the run
  • Export stl: impossible to generate the stl file of a lifting surface if 2 sections are too close to each other
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V446 – new features


  • New set of components: fuselage protuberances (canopy, belly, pod, engine cover...) (GREAT)
  • New set of components: external loads (fuel tank, pod...) (GREAT)


  • Update drag breakdown to take into account the new components
  • Update the wetted area breakdown to take into account the new components
  • Update weight breakdown to take into account the new components

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ADS-PRO V446 – bug fixes

  • Fuel system (Design Level 2): initialize mass of battery when converting a dataset from EL motor to IC engine
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V445 – new features


  • Possibility to model 3-Surfaces configuration (GREAT)
  • Open/Save Memo file, a text file in which the user may list the specificities of all versions of the current project (GREAT)


  • Check overlap between control surfaces and high lift devices
  • Improved method to compute the wetted area without shaded parts (accuracy > 99%)
  • Add percentage of laminarity on lifting surfaces and bodies


  • Airfoil Candidates: add option to display all candidates or only the top 5, 10 or 20
  • Airfoil Candidates: display candidates at root position and tip position


  • Generate Bodies: add messages if it is not possible to generate (guide for the user to update the data)


  • Possibility to change the font size


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ADS-PRO V445 – bug fixes

  • Fuel System (Design Level 2): the mass of the fuel system is underestimated, especially for large fuel tanks
  • Fixed Pitch Propeller (Design Level 2): initialize pitch angle at the end of the main process in order to use the same pitch angle for all other flight conditions (climb, takeoff, landing)
  • Electric Propulsion: miscalculation of the extra power (difference between the required power and the maximum power that the battery pack is able to provide)
  • Not possible to create a stl file of an airplane equipped with an engine pylon
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V444 – new features


  • The pdf files (technical notes...) are now opened in your favorite web browser


  • Add foldable propeller


  • Compute drag for high lift devices and control surfaces when retracted
  • Engine nacelle base drag is negligible for pusher configuration
  • Turbopropeller engine drag is included in the nacelle drag
  • Oswald efficiency factor: reduction of the influence of the nacelle if wing mounted-pusher configuration
  • Add option to compute the zero lift drag coefficient of lifting surfaces from the turbulent flat plate coefficient


  • Add Fudge Factor to compute the propeller efficiency (for polynomial equation ONLY)


  • Improve the computation of the CG most forward position (influence of high lift devices on Cl0 and Cm0)


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ADS-PRO V444 – bug fixes

  • Fuselage ventral fin: the identification of the symmetric fin is not always possible, depending of the position and the selected fin
  • Multiengine (>3): initialization of the symmetric engine if stopped
  • Battery data (energy density, capacity rate) not saved if N/A
  • Wrong calculation of the total shaft power when some engines are stopped (Reverse engineering/Performance analysis)
  • VTail: initialization of the standard geometry not performed when loading dataset
  • Contextual menu (weight & Loading): compute weight breakdown not performed
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V443 – new features


  • A 1-month free trial version is available on request on the web site.

Landing Gear

  • Display a list of candidate tires in function of the maximum static load, maximum ground speed and runway surface (maximum inflation pressure) (GREAT)

Electric System

  • The weight of batteries is computed from energy requirements and power requirements. The power requirements take into account the capacity rate of the batteries

Fuel Tanks

  • The tank volume of the fuselage is displayed in real time during the tank definition

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ADS-PRO V443 – bug fixes

  • The wheel side strut position of the auxiliary landing gear (single wheel configuration) is shifted to the side of the wheel instead of to be centered on the wheel
  • When moving the last point on the line editor (CSP, DZ, Offset) the corresponding point in the TreeView is not updated
  • Wrong calculation of the constant-section length of the fuselage. May impact the longitudinal form coefficient and the computation of the Osswald efficiency factor
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V442 – new features


  • Possibility to watch videos (43) about a specific subject directly from the TreeView (GREAT). A blue point in the TreeView informs the user of that possibility.


  • Display messages if the pusher propeller is located too close to the trailing edge of a lifting surface
  • Display messages if the interference drag is out of the range of historical values


  • Improve the generation of the 3D-Model of any lifting surface (the first section may be moved)
  • Add Ventral Fin
  • Update tailboom geometry at the end of the run


  • Possibility to perform the Reverse Engineering (partly) even if the engine model is not known
  • Export the results in a .csv file format

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ADS-PRO V442 – bug fixes

  • The market price of a light airplane with a maximum takeoff weight lower than 600kg seems too low. It's computed from the ultra-light category's equation taking into account the flight speed
  • Propeller diameter: the upper limit is forced to be equal to the lower limit
  • Engine Nacelle: software crashes when inserting or removing one control station
  • Lifting Surface Sections: update lifting surface area display for all sections and not just for the current one
  • Drag of the engine nacelle not computed if mounted on fuselage with an engine pylon
  • Fuel consumption: wrong calculation of the fuel consumption in performance analysis
  • Wing mounted landing gear strut: wrong position of the strut on the left wing (Y<0), on the wing side
  • The computed interference drag due to control surfaces is overestimated if the control surface is made with different sections
  • The VTail CG position in Y direction is not correct if the VTail is shifted from the longitudinal axis
  • Design Level 1 & 2, software crashes when horizontal tail relative area is modified
  • Add/Remove wheel on a single strut gear (symmetric wheel not displayed)
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V441 – new features


  • The engine enveloppe is generated from the airplane TreeView and displayed in real time on the 3D-Model


  • The level of stability is computed from historical values. Warning messages are displayed and advices to modify the geometry are given if it's necessary to increase the level of stability (GREAT)

Centre of graity

  • Performance analysis: the theoritical CG position is computed and displayed on the 3D-Model
  • Reverse Engineering: the CG limits are computed and displayed on the 3D-Model as well as the CG position in cruise


  • The default CG position is located at 25% of the MAC


  • Multiple Runs: several runs are automatically performed one after the other. The results are filtered by specified limits. During execution only the modified values from run to run are displayed in the output window, ideal to understand the real impact of a change to the dataset (GREAT)

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ADS-PRO V441 – bug fixes

  • Engine nacelle mounted on fuselage: wrong definition of the engine position, impact on drag and wetted area calculation
  • Vertical tail wetted area: wrong computation if dihedral angle is greater than 90°
  • Application closes if the span of a control surface or high lift device is equal to zero
  • During the run the aspect ratio of the VTail is computed from projected area and not true area, but it's computed correctly at the end of the run
  • Unintentional deletion of some files (.csv, .stl) when saving the airplane dataset using the same name
  • Performance analysis, fixed pitch propeller: the engine shaft power is miscomputed when the propeller pitch angle is higher than it's optimal value (engine runs at low rpm)
  • Strut monted on tailboom are mounted by default on fuselage when tailbooms are removed
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V440 – new features


  • Choise of the Units
    • m | kg | s | km/h
    • m | kg | s | kts
    • ft | lb | s | mph
    • ft | lb | s | kts


  • IC Engine: variation of SFC with Power and Rpm

Control Surfaces / High Lift Devices

  • Easier definition
  • Automatic 3D-Display
  • Check if overlap (change in color and warning messages)

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ADS-PRO V440 – bug fixes

  • Twin-Tail: the symmetric tail is miscalculated on the 2D-Line editor when moving one cross-section in Y
  • Save File: remove whitespace from both sides of the file names (if any)
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V439 – new features


  • Compute airplane wetted area based on reference or true area (function of design context)
  • The reference geometry of a VTail is imposed to be trapezoidal


  • User defined Specific Fuel Consumption and Engine Installation Factor


  • List airfoil candidates (Reverse Engineering, Performance Analysis)
  • List airfoil candidates for a given flight condition defined by a lift coefficient and a Reynolds Number.
  • User defined miscellaneous drag coefficient to take into account extra drag generated by external components (gimbal camera...) or protrusions...

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ADS-PRO V439 – bug fixes

  • Impossible to insert a new control station in front of the last one without refreshing the body before
  • Miscalculation of the total fuel capacity with fuel tanks in tailbooms
  • Miscalculation of the ground position for a UAV without landing gear
  • Miscalculation of the equivalent deflection of the elevator and rudder for a ruddervator
  • Trim drag for negative control surface deflection
  • Impossible to compute a canard configuration with tailboom in Design Level 1
  • Incomplete list of airfoil candidates for some sorting values
  • Wheel fairing generated with default dimensions
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V438 – new features


  • Possibility to model flaperons
  • Compute taper ratio for lifting surfaces with multi trpezoidal sections
  • Airplane wetted area computed from true areas
  • Compute drag (CS, HLD): limit the deflection to the max/min values
  • Change process: don't reset the mass fudge factor
  • Load dataset: display all missing files together
  • Output/Process Window: don't display the same message consecutively

3D Geometry

  • LCL Editor: avoid having 2 points with the same coordinates
  • CtS Editor: prevent moving red points (their position is ONLY defined from LCL Editor)

Control Surfaces/High Lift Devices

  • Press F5 to refresh the geometry and position (not done automatically)


  • Add new propeller charts (2-blades propeller)

Landing Gear

  • Wheel has brakes: initialize the symmetric brake


  • Stall: add flap settings
  • Takeoff/Landing: add runway surface
  • Takeoff: display drag breakdown if not possible to accelerate to VLoff


  • Design Level 1: add information (engine nominal power imposed by...)
  • Performance Analysis: compute empty weight with a constant mass fudge factor
  • Performance Analysis: display pitch angle for variable pitch propeller

Advanced Parameters

  • Add fudge factor applied in ground effect on the drag increment due to the deflection of the CS/HLD

Battery Database

  • Limit the number of data

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ADS-PRO V438 – bug fixes

  • Interference drag due to flap/aileron deflection: remove the ground effect because already included in profile drag increment
  • 3D-Model not updated when airfoil is changed
  • The vertical displacement of a CtS is not displayed on the CtS Line Editor
  • 3D-Model of a winglet not updated when airfoil of the last wing section is changed
  • Not possible to load an airplane with tailboom and cargobay, cargodoors
  • Not possible to generate a fuel tank in a tailboom
  • Impossible to compute total volume of fuel if one component has more than one tank
  • Impossible to display the results Quality when some results are not numerical values
  • Impossible to compute the interference drag for Light Business and Light Transport Categories
  • Impossible to stretch a body without refreshing it before (dataset created in a former version)
  • Miscalculation of the MAC position in the chord direction of a multi trapezoidal lifting surface
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V437 – new features


  • Check the name of a dataset
  • Display tips at the opening of a new session
  • Update data in the treeview when modified during the run


  • Add new propeller charts
  • Add information about propeller performance (efficiency, activity factors...)
  • Add advanced parameters to improve the computation for extreme configurations (large diameter, high power...)


  • Fuel systems: compute tank volume based on the 3D-Model of the tank
  • Fuel systems: check the consistence between the total volume and the sum of each tank volume


  • Track changes: display the differences in results between two successive runs (great !)
  • Lift distribution: update the lift slope at the position of the bodies (fuselage, nacelles, tailbooms)


  • Improve the generation of the bodies (smoother)
  • Add blades on propeller disc (visual check of the number of blades)

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ADS-PRO V437 – bug fixes

  • 3D-Model of a body: difficulty to get a smooth shape
  • Maximum rate of climb performance: lift curve slope not computed
  • Engine enveloppe: not allowed to put it at the reference point
  • Rudder display: incorrect on multi trapezoidal surface
  • Incidence of wing sections for multi trapezoidal geometry
  • Remove airplane from current session not allowed
  • VTail: equivalent horizontal tail geometry for boom mounted
  • Display new ailerons on 3D-Model
  • Remove and save the last airplane from the treeview
  • Compute fuel tank capacity (lifting surface)
  • Other minor fixes


ADS-PRO V436 – new features


  • Add results (definition of terms for different tables)
  • Add information in the Output/Process windows
  • Add information in the data description window

High Lift Devices

  • If several high lift devices on the same lifting surface, possibility to define different angles of deflection


  • Compute activity factor based on engine nominal power
  • Update propeller efficiency according to activity factor

Takeoff and Landing Performance

  • Improve the accuracy (based on validation process)
  • Split friction on braked and not braked wheels
  • Adjust the drag generated by the high lift devices
  • Adjust the effect of headwind


  • Modification in the computation of the CG most forward position


  • Possibility to compute the propeller efficiency from propeller charts or from polynomial equation


  • Display a message if the seaplane model was not generated with a step

Display additional information on the UI

Add new technical notes/validation reports


ADS-PRO V436 – bug fixes

  • Compute airfoil a0 for low Reynolds Number (need to be approximated)
  • Compute exposed area for vertical tail
  • Delete image files (2D Line Editor) before saving the files
  • Performance analysis with 5-Blades propeller
  • Display computed masses with a specific fudge factor
  • Installation efficiency for propeller mounted on nacelle
  • Number of operative propeller (Design Level 1)
  • Initialize mass of batteries (Design Level 2)
  • Update VTail position when the wing position and geometry are modified
  • Minimum number of ribs (4)
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V435 – new features


  • Add additional results (Mass)
  • Add information in the Output/Process Windows
  • Add Message Box in the definition of Advanced Parameters
  • Identification of "Read Only" Data with [ ]


  • Compute and display the Speed Polar (Performance Analysis)
  • Compute and display the Payload Range Chart (Performance Analysis)

Display additional information on the UI

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ADS-PRO V435 – bug fixes

  • Bodies (force same shape and align section): the sections are forced in circumscribed rectangle
  • Load a dataset created with a "higher" license
  • Tools: Load Airplane if not equipped with the selected system
  • Tools: mass of horizontal tail and vertical tail not computed
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V434 – new features


  • Define the most critical engine (multi-engine aircraft)


  • Vertical Tail may be moved below the fuselage or tailboom
  • Update the symmetric vertical tail


  • Takeoff: take intoo account the ground effect to compute the lift coefficient
  • Compute performance OEI with the most critical engine
  • Propeller efficiency: extrapolate if pitch angle is lower than 15° (lower limit: 10°)

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ADS-PRO V434 – bug fixes

  • Generation of the 3D-Model if 2 control stations are too close from each other
  • Twin Vertical Tail: update symmetric
  • Update fuselage shape if the second control station is in front of the first one
  • Takeoff with ducted propeller
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V433 – new features


  • Additional input for reverse engineering process
  • Check missing data before a run


  • Multi-Engine: compute performance with OEI
  • Takeoff: compute performance @MxTO power setting
  • Landing: add free roll time

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ADS-PRO V433 – bug fixes

  • New Airplane: no initialisation of the lifting surface standard geometry
  • Load aircraft without making a run before: no initialisation of the lifting surface standard geometry
  • Turbopropeller: check engine data if no reverse
  • Reverse Engineering with a 5-Blades Propeller
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V432 – new features


  • All moving horizontal tail (stabilator)
  • Add information in the TreeView to make easier the definition of the 3D-Model (areas, distances)
  • Posiibility to launch some calculations from the TreeView: geometry, stability derivatives, airfoil candidates, costs...


  • VTail mounted on fuselage: allow to define the Y position
  • Systems/Other: allow to define the Y and Z position
  • Gear fairing: allow to define the X position
  • Compute the CG from the 3D geometry (lifting surface, fuselage, fuel tanks)


  • Oswald efficiency factor computed from lift distribution
  • Fuselage drag coefficient for pusher/tractor configuration
  • Cruise flight condition: add power setting
  • Takeoff: add rotation time
  • Landing: add free roll time and rolling friction coefficient brakes on
  • Propeller installation factor: take into account the shape and size of the body behind it

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ADS-PRO V432 – bug fixes

  • Load new license file and remove the dataset
  • Ducted propeller: position and geometry
  • Boxwing: default geometry
  • Display headwind speed for takeoff and landing
  • Tailboom default shape (engine nacelle type)
  • Initialize CG location (performance analysis/Stall)
  • Takeoff run: compute speed until liftoff speed
  • Lifting surface shadded area
  • Design level 1, seaplane: update takeoff curve
  • Update engine position: Z
  • Propeller efficiency if pitch angle higher than 45°
  • Maximum lift increment for twin engine, wing mounted
  • Twin vertical tail configuration to single vertical tail
  • Takeoff flap deflection initialized to 0
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V431 – new features


  • Design of Seaplanes (Flyingboat) - Reverse Engineering, Design Level 1 & 2, Performance Analysis
  • Add contextual menus (compute geometry, costs...)


  • New components (Hulls, Floats, Struts
  • Display ground and water surface


  • Takeoff and Landing on water surface
  • Influence of headwind


  • Hulls and Floats

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ADS-PRO V431 – bug fixes

  • Initialize Control Lines (Offset, DZ)
  • Update 3D-Model wheninserting New Control Station
  • Display 2D Line Editor make the Property Display Window empty
  • Insert Control Station
  • Update Line Editor (modification on circular Control Station)
  • Change engine type for multi engine configuration
  • Change propeller diameter
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V430 – new features


  • V-Tail Configuration
  • Gull-Wing Configuration
  • Folding Wing
  • Compute/Display the area of the lifting surface during the Reverse Engineering and Performance Analysis data acquisition process
  • Check engine dataset before making a run


  • Display in transparency the reference lifting surface
  • Rotation of the Cross Sections (function of the dihedral angle)
  • Function key F6 to hide the selected component
  • Function key F7 to display all components

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ADS-PRO V430 – bug fixes

  • Wing strut (force incidence and twist to 0)
  • Strut default shape (compute geometry)
  • Change classification when LCL Editor is loaded
  • List Missing Data (missing data remaining at root position)
  • Default structure on multi Vertical Tail configuration
  • Default structure on Canard Configuration
  • Control Surface and High Lift Devices Geometry for multi trapezoidal section
  • Force initialisation of the standard geometry if Process with No Solution
  • Update fuel tank geometry
  • Initialisation of the number of tailboom
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V429 – new features


  • Strut-Braced Wing Configuration
  • Improve Twin-Boom Design Configuration

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ADS-PRO V429 – bug fixes

  • Side Force due to Sideslip Derivative (VT-Boom Mounted)
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V428 – new features


  • Ducted Fan design capability (4-5 Blades, 0.8m-1.8m)
  • Landing Gear: Improve the computation of the CG position for retracted and extended position


  • Update CG position in real time with component position
  • Update AC position in real time with component size and position
  • Display the Ducted Fan on the LCL Editor


  • Determine the best duct size to generate the thrust


  • New airplanes: CEA308, RFB Fantrainer F400, Edgley Optica, Glasair III
  • Ducted Fan: Performance tables (4-5 blades, 0.8-1.8m)
  • New airfoils: LS(1)0417
  • New engines: Jabiru 2200, PT6A, Allison 250

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ADS-PRO V428 – bug fixes

  • Reverse Engineering: Update the length of the tailboom during the run
  • Reset View: Unloading 3D-View
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V427 – new features


  • Check Cfe value when computed from Reverse Engineering
  • Check file name before saving
  • Add messages if components are oversized

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ADS-PRO V427 – bug fixes

  • Control Line Editor (Nacelle & Tailboom): Force initialization (align bleu points with red points) in order to avoid the use of the Control Line Editor
  • Control Line Editor: unexpected DZ for CtS(1) and CtS(3)
  • Cabin and Flight Deck: Update geometry before computing geometry
  • Occupant: default standing position
  • Tails relative area: computed from reference area
  • Control Stations: Update relative position (%) if the last one is moved
  • Main and Auxiliary Gear: Mass computation (Raymer Method)
  • Fuel tank: Update geometry (Fuselage and Taiboom tanks)
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V426 – new features


  • Check fuel tank volume (Performance Analysis)
  • Default Geometry (Light-Twin-Engine): Limite the number of Control Stations
  • Results: Display static margin for Cruise, Best Range and Best Endurance


  • Display graph to manage blended values for CSP, DZ and Offset
  • Display Wetted Area Plot
  • Display Volume Plot
  • Display airplane MAC based on the reference geometry of the wing


  • Best Range optimisation: Control on maximum power setting for cruise
  • Best Endurance optimisation: Control on maximum power setting for Cruise

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ADS-PRO V426 – bug fixes

  • Compute default CG position for Canard Configuration
  • Compute the 3D-Model of the fuel tank (Fuselage)
  • Compute the propeller rpm (Fixed-Pitch Propeller, Partial-Power)
  • Tangent interpolation for 3D-Model (bodies)
  • Update Nacelle geometry while loading
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V425 – new features


  • List Airfoil Candidates from airfoil database (+1300) (the best airfoils for the main flight condition)
  • List Engines form engine database (engine of same technology)
  • Check for missing entities before computing
  • Add option Refresh in Real-Time (LCL & CtS Line Editor)

Airfoil Database

  • +1300 airfoils

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ADS-PRO V425 – bug fixes

  • Takeoff altitude (results display)
  • Change process while LCL Editor is loaded
  • Default geometry for UAV
  • Update symmetric (Nacelle, Tailboom, Engine Pylon)
  • Tangent interpolation for 3D-Model (bodies)
  • Propeller blade number (same number)
  • Engine position modification during Reverse Engineering
  • Computing with missing entities
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V424 – new features


  • Add option to compute the aerodynamic with the parabolic drag approximation
  • Add rate of climb table (for different flight weight)
  • Improve takeoff performance calculation

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ADS-PRO V424 – bug fixes

  • Fix Control Point position on Longitudinal Control Line Editor (top view)
  • Fix mass of wing with fuel tank (toolbox)
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V423 – new features


  • Point displacement on Longitudinal Control Lines (Mouse Down + Shift: vertical ONLY, Mouse Down + Ctrl: vertical ONLY)
  • Don't save the session if On-Line Registered
  • Don't load the airplane if one airfoil data file is misssing
  • Add the flight description in information messages
  • Add information about the selected standard geometry if not appropriated with the current geometry


ADS-PRO V423 – bug fixes

  • Fix Engine pylon display on 2D Line Editor

ADS-PRO V422 – new features

Model Canard/Tandem Configuration

  • Reverse Engineering
  • Feasability Analysis
  • Conceptual Design
  • Performance Analysis

Improve algorithms

  • Aerodynamic loads on lifting surfaces
  • Control Surface deflection
  • CG-Range
  • Stability Derivatives
  • Stall performance: stall departure location
  • Static Stability: computed from static margin
  • Takeoff and Landing performnace: reduction of calculation time
  • Generation of Airfoil dataset

Add new checks during the run

  • Trim lift and maximum control surface deflection

Airfoil Database:

  • Add new property: Is Used For

Longitudinal Control Lines Editor and Control Stations Editor

  • Add wheel fairings

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ADS-PRO V422 – bug fixes

  • Fix Engine envelope for pusher engine (Turbopropeller, Electric Motor)
  • Fix VT position for a twin-boom configuration
  • Fix Control Surface position for a twin-boom configuration
  • Fix Airfoil Dataset generation via XFoil
  • Fix Wing Chord dimension greater than 0
  • Fix Initialize fuel tanks in booms while loading
  • Fix save file if no valid license
  • Fix missing engine characteristics (TP)
  • Fix the modification (tractor / pusher) is not taken into account in the 2D line editor of the LCL and CtS
  • Fix List of missing data (Aircraft & Prop)
  • Fix Contour Lines display for engine pylons
  • Fix Contour Lines display is circular fuselage shape
  • Fix Y-position of mid-engine during design level 1 & 2
  • Fix Ri for a push-pull configuration (Design Level 1)
  • Fix VT position if HT-Mounted
  • Fix Loading Missing Engine File
  • Fix Pylon (LS) Geometry computation
  • Fix stability derivatives if no aileron selected
  • Fix uncheck HLD after stopping execution
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V421 – new features

Model Light Business Airplane

  • Turbopropeller engines
  • Interior: cabin, flight deck
  • Doors: passenger, emergency, cargo doors
  • Display containers

Add turbopropeller database

Add new checks during the run

  • Interference of crew members with the wall of the fuselage
  • CG range for all load cases

Create engine envelope by default for:

  • Turbofan, Turbojet
  • Turbopropeller
  • Electric motor

Longitudinal Control Lines Editor and Control Stations Editor

  • Possibility to display/hide the additional shapes

Display additional information on the UI

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ADS-PRO V421 – bug fixes

  • Fix additional shapes display on Control Station and Longitudinal Control Lines Editors, for bodies located out of the symmetric plane of the airplane
  • Fix data not saved for control systems
  • Fix check of the computer Id during On-Line Registration
  • Fix engine drag computation for multi engine
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V420 – new features

Display additional shapes on the Control Stations and Longitudinal Control Lines Editor

  • Lifting surfaces
  • Control surfaces
  • High lift devices
  • Fuselage
  • Nacelles
  • Landing gear

Improve the mass computation of the aircraft's systems

Add contextual menu to display/compute the characteristics of fuselage, control surfaces and high lift devices

Display additional information on the UI

Add new technical notes


ADS-PRO V420 – bug fixes

  • Fix technical note display TN00-063 (chek-list to perform the reverse engineering)
  • Fix crash if request to insert a control station in front of the last one (from the TreeView and the Longitudinal Control Lines Editor)
  • Fix gear strut position (from the wheel side)
  • Fix distance and angle measure on the Control Station Editor
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V419 – new features

Focus on the reverse engineering analysis

  • Geometry, propulsion
  • Performance: cruise, climb, takeoff, landing and stall performance analysis
  • Aerodynamic analysis
  • Quality analysis
  • Statistical analysis

Engine envelope created by default (single cylinder)

Compute equivalent friction coefficient for parabolic drag polar and shift-do-to-camber drag polar

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ADS-PRO V419 – bug fixes

  • Fix crash if request to display statistics
  • Fix volume coefficient computation (not computed during reverse-engineering analysis and performance analysis)
  • Improve propeller efficiency calculation for a fixed pitch propeller in Level Flight
  • Improve results display for stall performance if no high lift device selected
  • Other minor fixes

ADS-PRO V418 – new features

Compute the performance of an airliner:

  • Cruise performance
  • Payload chart
  • Drag tables and charts
  • SAR tables and charts
  • Mission table and charts

Model airliners

  • Turbofan engines
  • Interior: cabin, flight deck, cargo bays, gear bays
  • Doors: passenger, emergency, cargo doors, gear doors
  • Structure: ribs, spars, frames

Add turbofan database

Improve installation efficiency for propeller driven airplane

Display additional information on the UI

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ADS-PRO V418 – bug fixes

  • Fix the generation of the fuselage 3D-Model 
  • Fix error message display when New Airplane + Select category
  • Fix crash if lifting surface section has a relative position lower than 1m
  • Fix refresh of the Memo content if Check Data selected
  • Fix initialization of the trapezoidal section index at 100% position along the span
  • Fix image import on the Top-View. The imported image must have a width greater than the height. A warning message is displayed if this is not the case.
  • Fix the change of lifting surface incidence. Not relayed to cross sections
  • Other minor fixes




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5020 Namur - Belgium

Phone: +32 (0)497.90.96.96


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